door ilsemichiels | nov 23, 2022
Know who you’re serving: target groups and buyer persona’s Main take-outs: Don’t target everyone at once or in the same way or you’ll end up serving no one well Investigate who it is you’re serving, you’ll probably find out...
door ilsemichiels | nov 22, 2022
Capture the essence of your brand in a brand house Main take-outs: Use something like a brand house to define what your brand stands for, what it has to offer and what makes you unique Make it short and sticky and share it with all of your colleagues, so you all...
door ilsemichiels | okt 21, 2022
Brand versus performance in b2b marketing My 3 learnings I’ld like to share: You can measure the brand funnel with a brand tracker, another way is to measure brand power > measure how meaningful, different and salient your brand is Brand is not something only...